Mauricie’s Wild Mushroom Partnership combines areas of economic activity related to the development of wild mushrooms from the forest to the table. Representatives from the fields of picking, processing, tourism and culinary domains, academic institutions, research and development, and users of public and private forests are present at the partnership committee, along with various ministries and regional development agencies of the Mauricie region. The committee is chaired by a coordinator.
Patrick Lupien - Mauricie’s Wood Marketing Board
Marie-Josée Savard - Mauricie’s Tourism Association
Loraine Hallé - Parc écotourisme Lac Édouard
Michelyne Côté - COOP l’Autre forêt
Renaud Longrée - COOP du 8e feu
Johanne Rocheleau - Cégep Trois-Rivières (training for businesses)
Angéline Fourchaud - Association forestière de la Vallée du St-Maurice
Fred Chappuis - Fredelys
Miriane Tremblay - Association régionale des ZEC de la Mauricie
Atikamekw Nation Council
Isabelle Lessard - MAPAQ
David Godin - MAMOT
Jean-Marc Blais - MFFP
Patricia Lamy - PDAAM
Lionel Arseneault - RCM des Chenaux